Inga bindningstider eller dolda avgifter
Låg ränta från 0.7% per 30 dagar
Snabb och personlig service
How it works
Quick, smart and on your terms
A fair price in minutes
Get a free offer by answering a couple of quick questions about your company. If you connect your business system, you can get an even better offer.
Personalized offers
Say goodbye to unfair pricing, lock-ins and confusing terms. Thanks to real-time data, even companies with weaker historic data can get access to flexible financing.
Up and running within 24 hours
When an application is approved, we pay out right away. In most cases, that means money in your account as soon as the same day. You always decide the personal guarantor.
Three ways of financing your business
Most popular
Invoice discounting
0,7-3,4% per 30 days
Sälj en eller flera fakturor
Vill du bli uppringd?
Vårt team av experter står redo att diskutera era behov för att hitta rätt lösning.
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- Få ett gratis erbjudande som passar er
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